When Will the Mark of the Beast Be Fully Implemented?


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      We have been living in such amazing times recently to see prophecy come alive and literally jump off the pages of your Bible and be revealed. We have witnessed Israel being a nation again after 2,520 years exactly as Scripture has stated.


We have seen the setting up of the end time global government through the creating of the United Nations in 1945, and also the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and other global organizations. We have also seen the steady decline of morality and the breakdown of the family get progressively worse in every decade form the 1940’s until today. And most recently, in the last 7 years or so, we have seen certain prophecies come to pass such as Joel 2:30-31.

Joel 2:30 And I will give signs in the heavens and in the earth: blood, and fire, and columns of smoke.

Joel 2:31 The sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of YAHWEH.


In 2014-15 we witnessed a tetrad of Blood Moons and eclipses on Passover and Sukkot, and including a full solar eclipse on the day of the equinox in 2015.

Rev 12:1 And a great sign was seen in the heavens, a woman having been clothed with the sun, and the moon was underneath her feet; and on her head a crown of twelve stars;

Rev 12:2 and having a babe in her womb. She cried, being in labor, and having birth pains to deliver.


Then, the Revelation 12 sign happened in the heavens, which only happens once every 7,000 years. This sign, as Scripture stated, showed the King’s planet, Jupiter, in the womb of the constellation of Beulah (the virgin) for exactly 9 months, and then, exit the birth canal on September 23, 2017, just as the sun was in the mid-section of the woman, and the moon was under her feet.

The constellation of the virgin also had 12 stars in her head as Venus, Mercury, and Mars, were in the head of the constellation with the 9 stationary planets at that time.

This was followed in 2019 by the congregation going to the wilderness and leaving the defiled state of Jerusalem as outlined in Revelation the 12th chapter. Interesting enough, Scripture states that the woman will be taken on two wings of a great eagle, and if you look at the top of Selah where Scripture states the woman flees to, and where we have been keeping the feast, you can see what looks like eagle’s wings over the Dead Sea from the Israel side to the Jordanian side.

Now, the next thing Scripture states in Revelation the 13th chapter is the beast being set up, and the mark of the beast being implemented. And as I write, many world powers have already set up a worldwide green passport system where no one can travel, work, or buy or sell unless they have the green passport immunity injection in their arm. Things are indeed moving quickly.

However, there is one important aspect of Revelation 13 that we need to discuss that is vital to understand what will happen next in the scheme of things in end time prophecy. Throughout history, most people couldn’t fathom how a ruler could cause all humans on the earth not to be able to buy and sell or work or even travel. How could such a thing be enforced? How could a world leader know when someone is buying some food from a local grocer and stop him from doing it?

That is why so many throughout the last 2 millenniums have come up with all sorts of twisted analogies for what this scripture could mean. Prophecy teachers have made up theories from the mark being Sunday worship, to being social security cards, etc., because we didn’t have the technology to know what this mark actually was.

Now, in the end of days, we actually have the technology to know that the mark is a tracking system that is implanted into the hand and will monitor a person’s medical history, his buying and selling dealings, and all his banking transactions, and also monitor a social score to allow the person to work and freely travel as long as they are obedient to the social rules applied by the beast power system.

And you don’t have to leave anything to the imagination because this system is already set up and being used worldwide through the Covid 19 Green Pass to ensure the injecting into the arm of the Covid gene therapy that is being incorrectly called a vaccine.

It is being enforced through a QR code from a person’s iPhone, which in reality has become an extension of the human hand since most humans carry their iPhone everywhere and use it day and night. So, the next step of simply implanting a nano-biochip in the hand instead of having to use the iPhone will be actually looked at with much optimism in the next step of the mark of the beast evolutionary process.


I believe another reason why there has been so much confusion and error with understanding what the mark of the beast actually is happens to be in the consequences and punishment for taking the mark.

Rev 14:9 And a third cherub followed them, saying in a great voice, If anyone worships the beast and its image, and receives a mark on his forehead, or in his hand,

Rev 14:10 he also shall drink of the wine of the anger of YAHWEH having been mixed undiluted in the cup of His wrath. And he will be tormented by fire and brimstone before the holy cherubs and before the Lamb.

Rev 14:11 And the smoke of their torment will rise forever and ever. And those worshiping the beast and its image have no rest night and day, even if anyone receives the mark of its name.


Wow! The punishment for taking this bio-chip in one’s hand is eternal death in the Lake of Fire. In Scripture there are not many things that a person can do that cannot be repented of and will lose his eternal life. So, why would Yahweh take away someone’s eternal life simply because he took a chip in his hand so he would be able to work and buy food and not starve to death? The chip itself is not sinful in nature. And having this chip implanted on one’s hand is not stealing, or committing murder or adultery. So why would it have such a penalty to lose your eternal life by simply having a bio-chip implanted in one’s hand?

Well, the answer is that Yahweh would not take away someone’s eternal life for simply having a biochip marker implanted in their hand. Over the last 100 years people have had all kinds of surgery and have had things implanted in their body, such as heart monitors, monitors to regulate insulin levels in a person with diabetes, and even getting a metal plate implanted into a person’s bone.

So, why would someone not lose their eternal life for those procedures, and yet will lose his eternal life for simply getting an implanted chip to be able to work and buy and sell to eat and survive?

The answer is of extreme importance and is also one of the reasons why a true believer would never get the Covid gene therapy shot either. Whereas, there have been medical procedures in the past to implant something in the human body for health issues, this implantation that is coming by the biochip connected with the Covid 19 shot is not for health purposes, but for tracking a human being 24/7 and altering their DNA.

And not only that, because it is a sort of computer tracking device being implanted, it can also be used to alter someone’s mind and brain and actions. It is literally giving away your free will to Satan’s beast power. And the plan is not just to implant nano-biochips for tracking people’s movements, but to literally connect humans with artificial intelligence and make them some sort of a hybrid human/robot.


This is similar to what was happening in Genesis the 6th chapter, and is blaspheming Yahweh’s creation of human beings made in His very own image.

Gen 6:2 The sons of the Elohim saw the daughters of the men, that they were good, and they took wives for themselves from all those whom they chose.

Gen 6:3 And YAHWEH said, My Spirit shall not always strive with mankind; in their going astray he is flesh. And his days shall be a hundred and twenty years (times).

Gen 6:4 The nephilim were in the earth in those days, and even afterwards when the sons of the Elohim came in to the daughters of the men, and they gave birth to them; they were the heroes who existed from ancient time, men of renown.

Gen 6:5 And YAHWEH saw that the evil of man was great on the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the day long.

Gen 6:6 And YAHWEH sighed with sorrow that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved to His heart.

Gen 6:7 And YAHWEH said, I will wipe off man whom I have created from the face of the earth, from man to beast, to the creeping thing and to the birds of the heavens; for I repent that I made them.


Bill Gates was tasked by the CIA back in 2005 to explore why some people are religiously orientated and why some are not. What he found in his study was that there is an enzyme in the brain that causes some people to pray and read their Bible and want a relationship with the Elohim who created them.

Bill Gates called this religious fanaticism. When asked by the CIA director how they can change these religious people from their current form of worship, Bill Gates clearly told him, through a VACCINE!

So, it is not just a matter of taking a chip that will track you 24 hours a day so you can work and buy food to eat. It is a matter of changing your genetic makeup of your DNA code and becoming something sub human and demonic that is controlled by a master computer system on the World Wide Web and the beast power.

By the way, in ancient Scripture there were only letters, not numbers, and each letter had a value and that is how one calculated numbers. And the letter “W”, which in Hebrew is the Waw, is the number value of 6. So, WWW is equivalent to 666.

So, this is why a true believer in Yahshua would never take either the fake Covid shot or the nano-biochip that will come along soon to control mankind. The covid shot also has graphene oxide in it to build up a person’s magnetism to allow the biochip mark to work properly later. Besides being immoral and made from fetal tissue of murdered babies, these shots and the implanted chip to come will alter a person’s free will and the person will literally be giving his allegiance, mind, and control over to Satan the devil.


Some may ask, why would Yahweh allow most people in the world to be deceived in such a way, if they don’t even understand what they are doing?

2nd Thess 2:9 His coming is due to the working of Satan in all power and miraculous signs and lying wonders,

2nd Thess 2:10 and in all deceit of unrighteousness in those who will perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth in order for them to be saved.

2nd Thess 2:11 And because of this, YAHWEH will send to them a working of deception, for them to believe the lie,

2nd Thess 2:12 that those not believing in the truth, but who have delighted in unrighteousness all may be damned.


Sadly, the answer is they could know the truth, and simply refuse to hear it. They love the Babylon system of Satan more than the eternal righteous Kingdom of Yahweh. And because of their refusal of the truth and love of Yahweh in their lives, Yahweh will allow them to follow the deception that they love and that their life is based on.

So, how much longer will it be until this worldwide system is set up? Sad to say, it is already here as already many countries are not allowing their citizens to work or even buy groceries without the vaccine Green Passport, and that number grows weekly; and the draconian measures grow with it. There has never been a worldwide electronical tracking system like this ever in the history of mankind.

And since the system is already now here in place, can the nano-biochip mark be far behind?

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