What Are Your Priorities?
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What are your Priorities?
Your very salvation depends upon the priorities you set in your life as a Believer. Do you know how to set priorities? When several things need to be done, are you able to decide which ones should come first in order of importance? Suppose you’re sitting peacefully in your living room watching the news on television. Suddenly you notice that the room is filling with smoke. Your house is on fire!
What do you do first? Do you get down on your knees and ask Yahweh for His help in stopping the fire? Do you call the fire department? Do you dash through the other rooms of your house to see if some other member of your family is caught in the fire? Do you run outside to get the hose and try to put the fire out?
All of those things may be necessary, but what do you do first? That is the big question! Let’s take another example. One evening, you are in the middle of housecleaning. Your rooms are in disorder and neither you nor the other members of your family look presentable. The phone rings. It is your employer. He tells you that he will be over in a few minutes because he has something important to tell you.
What is the first thing you should do? Do you hurriedly put the house in order? Do you change your clothes and put on something more appropriate for the occasion? Do you check the kitchen to see if there is something you can offer your boss when he arrives? Once again, all these things may be necessary, but what must you do first? It’s a question of setting right priorities.
Priorities play a major role in our lives. We all have good intentions, at least most of the time. But what really counts is executing an intention at the appropriate moment – doing the right thing at the right time. As Solomon wrote, there’s a time for everything under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). Growth results from learning to put first things first.
Right and wrong priorities
Remember the story of Martha and Mary, the two sisters Yahshua visited? Both sisters liked and respected Yahshua very much; both of them did what they thought was most important when He came to see them. “Now as they went on their way, He (Yahshua) entered a village; and a woman named Martha received Him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Master’s feet and listened to His teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving” (Luke 10:38-40).
There is nothing wrong with “much serving,” is there? All of us are called to serve – Yahshua Himself was the greatest servant of all. However, in this instance, priorities were at stake. “Master, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone?” Martha asked Yahshua. “Tell her then to help me.”
Yahshua answered: “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things; one thing is needful (at this moment). Mary has chosen the good portion, which shall not be taken away from her” (verses 40-42). Just then, the most important thing Mary and Martha could do was listen to Yahshua’s teaching.
When Yahshua called His disciples, some of them hesitated. Others followed Him right away because they had their priorities straight. Simon Peter, for instance, “fell down at Yahshua’s knees, saying ‘Depart from me, for I am a sinful man’ ” (Luke 5:8).
Why did Peter say that? Because he and his fisherman friends had witnessed, a few moments before, an astonishing miracle Yahshua had performed (verses 4-7). Simon Peter and his companions had their priorities right. Upon hearing, Yahshua tells them, “ ‘Do not be afraid; henceforth you will be catching men.’… they left everything and followed Him” (verses 10-11). No wonder Jacob, John, and Simon later became apostles!
However, not everyone reacted the way these three men did. Not everyone had the right sense of priorities. For instance, a man who had expressed a desire to follow Yahshua turned away from Him when he heard Him say, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head” (Luke 9:58).
Another man turned Yahshua’s offer down, arguing that he first had to bury his father (verse 59). Now what’s wrong with that? Nothing! But Yahshua set the man’s priorities straight. He told him, “Leave the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of Yahweh” (verse 60).
Yet another man, upon being called, told Yahshua, “I will follow you, Master; but let me first say farewell to those at my home” (verse 61).
Again, there is nothing wrong with saying farewell to those dear to you. But much more was involved in this particular case. Primarily, Yahweh didn’t come first on this man’s list of priorities. Second, you can almost detect a feeling of sorrow in his answer. He seemed to regret being called there, and then, perhaps hoped his loved ones would convince him not to leave them for the sake of the Good-News! That’s why Yahshua told him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of Elohim” (verse 62).
Priorities and your calling
Do you remember the circumstances of your calling? How did you first react? Did you perhaps want to bury someone or something before deciding to really follow Yahshua? Did you hesitate to turn away from the world, finding it hard to choose between those of your household and Yahshua? What was your attitude then – and what is it now?
Unfortunately, some in the Congregation are still burying their dead fathers! Some are still looking back and trying to pursue their personal ambitions before deciding to follow Yahshua! Time is running short. Rearrange your priorities before it’s too late!
If you put first things first, Yahweh will always take care of your needs. This doesn’t mean you should neglect your part and stop taking care of your household. It simply means that you are to put first things first – be filled with Yahweh and His Work. This is your first vocation. You must endeavor to please Him with your attitude and growth.
As Yahshua said, “But seek first the kingdom of YAHWEH and His righteousness, and all these things [all that you need] will be added to you” (Matt 6:33). Do you believe this promise of Yahweh? If so, live by it!
Your baptism was symbolic of your decision to put Yahweh first in your life, no matter what the circumstances. Do you still feel the same way today? You accepted the condition to love Yahweh more than anyone or anything else, “with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37). This is the greatest commandment of all. Does it have first priority in your life? And after that, does the second great commandment – loving your neighbor as yourself – have all priority in your life (verses 38- 39)?
As you can see, even love has priorities! First, you must love Yahweh, and then love your neighbor. This doesn’t mean you should neglect loving your neighbor because you love Yahweh first. It’s just a matter of priority. Actually, if you really love Yahweh – if you obey His commandments and do His will – you will automatically love your neighbor, because you cannot love Yahweh without loving your neighbor (1st John 4:20). Remember not to neglect anything on your list of priorities.
Yahweh came first in Abraham’s life
If you had a child whom you loved with all your being – if he was your only child, and you had eagerly waited and prayed for years for him – would you be willing to give him up?
Abraham was put to such a test. Humanly speaking, it didn’t make much sense. Why did Yahweh give Abraham such a seemingly cruel order, saying, “Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriyah, and offer him there as a burnt offering” (Genesis 22:2).
Abraham must have spent a sleepless night struggling with his thoughts, wondering why Yahweh demanded of him such a sacrifice. He loved Yahweh, for sure. But he also loved his son Isaac very much. He had to choose between his love toward Yahweh and his love toward his son. The choice was all the more difficult since he did not understand its purpose.
Nevertheless, whatever his thoughts and concern, he set his priorities right. He “rose early in the morning, saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him, and his son Isaac…and went to the place of which Yahweh told him” (verse 3).
Would you have done this? Would you have obeyed Yahweh to the point of being willing to sacrifice your only son, whom you loved? Abraham passed the test. How about you? Does Yahweh come first in your life, before anyone else, even members of your family? If you cannot put Yahweh first in your life today, how can you put Him first tomorrow, when things will get tougher?
David’s priorities
Kings David and Saul had totally different attitudes. David’s attitude made him a man after Yahweh’s own heart, whereas Saul’s caused him to be rejected. Have you ever considered that one of David’s most important qualities, far outweighing his mistakes, was his sense of priorities? Priorities are also linked to loyalty, as when you have your priorities straight, so will be your loyalty.
Saul was jealous of David and had gathered 3,000 men out of all of Israel to seek David and kill him. Strangely enough, the circumstances changed, offering David a unique chance to capture and kill Saul when the latter was resting in a cave. What an exceptional opportunity! After all, the two men were at war with each other – Saul had proved himself to be merciless.
“And the men of David said to him, ‘Here is the day of which Yahweh said to you, “Behold, I will give your enemy into your hand, and you shall do to him as it shall seem good to you” ‘ “ (1st Samuel 24:4).
It would have been only natural, humanly speaking, for David to kill Saul and justify himself by saying that Yahweh had promised to make his enemies fall into his hands. But David didn’t reason that way. He “arose and silently cut off the skirt of Saul’s robe. And afterward David’s heart smote him, because he had cut off Saul’s skirt’ ” (verses 4-5).
Why? Why should David’s heart smite him? He didn’t commit any crime! No, but on his list of priorities obedience to Yahweh came first. “He said to his men, ‘Yahweh forbid that I should do this thing to my master, Yahweh’s anointed, to put forth my hand against him, seeing he is Yahweh’s anointed’ ” (verse 6).
There you are! Even though Saul wanted to kill him, David refused to do any injury to the king. His loyalty to Yahweh and respecting Yahweh’s anointed came before fighting for his own life. David’s tremendous attitude is an example to all of us today. Is there any wonder why he will be a king in the soon-coming Kingdom of Yahweh? As for Saul, he carnally sought his own selfish interests, going after power and personal exaltation. That’s why Yahweh rejected him.
Obey Yahweh rather than men
The disciples of Yahshua, before receiving the Holy Spirit, did not have the necessary power and faith to fight the enemy. They forsook their Master and fled when the Roman soldiers arrested him. The promise they had made to Yahshua, a few hours earlier, to never forsake Him was not engraved on their list of priorities. But after their conversion, the disciples learned their priorities. Loyal, and faithful to their mission, they preached the Good-News, despite threats and persecution.
On one occasion when they were brought before the council, the high priest condemned them saying, “We strictly charged you not to teach in this name.” But they answered, “We must obey Yahweh rather than men” (Acts 5:27-29).
A question of loyalty and priorities! The disciples’ lives were at stake, but they were willing to follow Yahshua’s instructions even if it meant death. They had learned that “He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it” (Mat 10:39).
On your own list of priorities, do Yahweh, His congregation, and His Good-News come before your own life? Or do you perhaps desperately cling to your own life for fear of losing it? Is your loyalty to Yahweh and Yahshua or to yourself? Remember Yahshua’s words! Unless you get your priorities straight, you may end up by losing your life.
Bible study and prayer
As a true Believer you should be aware that Bible study and prayer are two indispensable tools in your growth to become a child of Yahweh. But how often do you use these tools? How much time do you spend with Yahweh and His Bible each day? Remember, your priority is what you get done!
Some in the Congregation consider Bible study a hard chore! They don’t seem to find time for it in their daily schedules. They don’t realize that the more they study the Bible, the more they learn about the will of Yahweh, and the way to please Him. If you are truly a Believer, the Bible must have priority over all of your other readings and studies. You are doing yourself a favor when you study the Bible. Bible study is a privilege, not a chore or a task.
And how is your prayer life? Do you look forward to speaking to Yahweh every day? Do you actually enjoy praying? Or has prayer become for you just a routine, a duty that you have to perform? If your priorities are straight, prayer automatically comes first in your life. It becomes the happiest moment in your day, because it enables you to spend some time with the Supreme Creator of the whole universe, the Almighty Yahweh who loves you and finds time to listen to you. Think of it! If He has time to listen to you, why wouldn’t you find time to talk to Him?
It takes much effort to faithfully respect your priorities. It takes thinking and hard work. If the Congregation today is not quite ready for Yahshua’s return, it is because, as a whole, we don’t push hard enough, and often lose our sense of priorities.
In a world that has cut itself off from Yahweh, Satan wants you to reverse your priorities or cast them aside altogether. Don’t let that happen! Follow Yahweh. Obey Him, put Him first – and you will be much happier.
Tithing is a law. It’s a blessing. When you tithe, you don’t do Yahweh a favor; you do yourself a favor.
How do you pay your tithes? What’s your attitude? Do you give the first tenth of your check as soon as you receive it, or do you give it only after you have paid your other bills? Remember, Yahweh always comes first, and until you give Yahweh His 10%, none of the other 90% is yours. The first check you write is always to give Yahweh what is His. What a wonderful example for all of us to follow! Put Yahweh first in your life. Some of Yahweh’s people have lost the blessings that result from paying tithes, because they bargain with Yahweh. They have lost their sense of priorities. They don’t realize that tithing is a privilege and a blessing, not a burden.
Today, some people try to abide by the letter of the law and not the spirit. They try to bargain with Yahweh when paying their tithes. They will cut corners to see how much they can save, or how little they can possibly give. With that attitude, tithing becomes a chore and not a blessing. Yahweh loves a cheerful giver and He is able to provide you with every blessing (2nd Cor 9:6-7). Are you a cheerful giver?
The purpose of your calling
Do you really know and understand the purpose of your calling? Did Yahweh call you specifically in order to save you at this time, or to entrust you with a certain task in this world? That’s a question every congregation member should ask himself – and understand the answer.
You were not called just to be saved, but to be part of a team to do a job. That’s a priority – a priority for your being called! Your own salvation for the moment is not the first priority; your fulfilling the task is. If you faithfully do your part and persevere until the end, you will be saved. However, if you neglect your share and turn away, Yahweh will raise someone else to do your part. And as long as you are fulfilling your commitment to be part of Yahweh’s family-team bringing salvation to others, you will also secure your own salvation when Yahshua returns.
We in Yahweh’s Congregation today are the firstfruits. In a sense, it’s like having received a birthright from Yahweh. We are the first ones called before the big harvest, with a mission to prepare for that big harvest.
Unfortunately, some have sold – or are selling – their birthrights, just like Esau did. But once Esau lost it, he ended up despising it. In like manner, once you lose your sense of priorities, you lose your sense of values. Don’t neglect your birthright. Don’t disdain it. Set your priorities straight.
Perhaps one of the hardest priorities of all is to humble yourself, and count others better than yourself (Phil 2:3).
Satan wants you to be puffed up. Yahweh wants you to be humble. Satan will do everything in his power to make you feel that you are better than others. But Yahweh wants you to count others better than yourself. That’s the difference between Yahweh’s teaching and the teaching of the world under Satan’s influence.
As Yahweh’s people, we need to learn our priorities. The Bible is our manual. The Teacher is Yahweh, through the writings of the prophets and the apostles, and most of all through the very words of Yahshua. Whatever the circumstances, let our loyalty and first priority always be to Yahweh. That’s our first and foremost priority!