The Great Falling Away
Do we realize how much of our daily life is controlled by habits and traditions? Have you ever questioned any of those habits or traditions in your own personal life? I have. I have always been a person who is driven by truth and logic. I hate being lied to or deceived.
I was raised in a Roman Catholic family. While growing up I thought that every real Christian was a Roman Catholic. I thought Peter was the first Pope and that Yahshua (Hebrew name for Jesus) started the Catholic Church. I was very successful at a young age, too. I was in the stock market at 12 years old, I owned my own business at 18 (a courier service with over 20 employees and drivers) and owned my own house at 19. I was not one for wasting time on myths and fantasies. My motto was “whatever the mind can believe and conceive, the mind can achieve.” I also did not want to spend even one minute believing in a God who, like Santa Claus or the Easter bunny, was just another meaningless tradition taught to me as a child. I always wanted to know the reason why. As I said, logic was a main part of my mind set.
If there was a creator, I knew that there had to be some sort of purpose to this life. People live and people die, and what is the purpose? I also thought that, if there was a creator, then why did He make me? Why am I here on the earth at this point in history? Many of my beliefs as a Roman Catholic were challenged. I had to have answers. I sold out of my business to get into a more lucrative business, but it didn’t work out. So I found myself with the greatest asset that we humans can have …Time. We all have 24 hours a day to be productive or to waste time and opportunities. We can waste that precious time, if we so choose, on endless pleasure seeking mindless things such as the idiot box (TV). I spent the next 6 months doing an intensive research project to obtain my answers. First, I wanted to find proof that there was a Creator. That was easy. When you look at the stars, moon, sun, trees and flowers, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know they came from somewhere.
The big bang theory makes no sense. Again, without being a scientist, logic tells me explosions create chaos, not order. It is also true that life can only beget life. So from where did the first cell originate? Science has no answers. Psa 53:1 states it plainly “the fool has said in his heart there is no Elohim”(true Hebrew title for God). When studying the human anatomy, it is absolutely absurd to think there is no creator.
What convinced me the most were the Holy Scriptures themselves; the most amazing book ever written, but unfortunately so few read it. If most believers would just read the Holy Scriptures, it would probably not even be necessary to write a book like this. One of the biggest mysteries to me personally is that man has written literally millions of books over the 6,000 years of his existence on this planet, and yet mankind never gets tired of reading them. Whereas our Creator wrote one book, (the instruction manual for humans) and hardly a Christian in the entire world has read it in its entirety, and few continue to read it daily. No wonder the world is on the brink of total annihilation. The rejection of the Creator’s word is so illogical. If you bought a computer you would read its manual to know how it works. If you bought a VCR you would read its manual to know how to program it. Yet, the one book (manual), written by the Almighty, Creator to teach us how to love Him with all our heart, mind, strength and soul, and love our neighbor as our self, is ignored. Most will say the Bible cannot be understood. That is only half true.
To the natural, carnal, selfish mind it does seem foolish, hut to the pure hearted, who seek a true relationship with the One who created them, it has the words of eternal life. It is just a matter of how much you love the truth. I’m not asking if you are a truth seeker, there are plenty of those around these days, but a lover of truth? The difference is that the truth seeker picks and chooses the truths that fit his personal lifestyle and belief, while the truth lover lets the word cut to the heart like a two edged sword, convicting the soul to repent (Heb 4:12). The truth lover changes when truth is presented and proved from Scripture because he knows that those who worship the Father must worship in spirit and truth (John 4:24). He wants a real one-on-one relationship with our Heavenly Father that can only be achieved through truth and not through the lies and traditions of men and churches.
I said I set out to find answers. The very answer to the question “why was I on this planet?” I said I searched for 6 months, and I got my answers. I want to share those answers with you in this book. The answers I received will shock you, amaze you, and hopefully awake you, as our beloved brother Jude stated in Jude verse 3 “to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered unto the saints.” I have studied church history for almost 27 years now. I want to share with you the factual, provable evidence of my research. I want to show you that you are being deceived by the corrupt money-making businesses, called churches, in today’s society. I don’t want you to take my word for it.
Everything that I have written is backed up with historical, archaeological, and most of all the Scriptural proof. I have included the names of other reference books for your continued research and study the things laid out in this book. If you are looking for truth, and if you love the truth, then read on. You have found it. And the truth will set you free!