The Glorious Calling of Women
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Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.
Woman was created in the context of serving and helping a man. Adam and Eve were not expected, called, required, nor encouraged to open separate fruit stands or butcher shops, bringing in separate incomes.
The biblical example is of a one income family. If man’s chief end is found in the creation account of Genesis, should we not also find woman’s chief end there also? I do not mean that man’s duty is to glorify the Almighty and enjoy Him forever,” while woman’s duty is something else.
No, we know that both men and women are to glorify and enjoy Him. I suggest however, that each gender has separate “battle – stations” within this war of achieving our chief end. I think this is clearly seen in the creation account.
In Gen 2:1-7 The Creator had put into place all that was needed for the herbs, plants, trees, etc. but He had not sent rain to cause the plants to grow, nor a man to care for the plants, so He brought a mist to water the earth and a man to till it.
Notice that this is the male that is brought forth from the earth. It may be clearly seen from the Genesis account that males were created to act directly in all industry. It is males that are to till the ground, open the stores, build the factories, and other such things. More shall be seen later on this point, however. Gen 2:8-17 portrays the planting of Eden and its surrounding area.
Gen 2:18 “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him.”
What is created next? Surely it was Eve. No, the Almighty created the beasts of the field, and the fowl of the air to help Adam in his calling. Yet a suitable help meet could not be found in this bunch.
So Gen 2:21-25 records the formation of woman to be help meet for Adam. Let us consider this: if Adam needed a help meet in his work like many view help meets today, why did He not create another man? If men and woman are both to go open fruit stands, factories and banks, why did He not just create two men and give them self-procreating organs like some type of frogs?
Thus you see that woman was not created to fulfill Adams calling, but woman was created to fulfill her own calling under Adam. Woman’s calling is that of wifedom, motherhood, and overall household management. The woman was physically, emotionally, and mentally created for these tasks. The female body possesses exactly the correct tools for these tasks. What would the womb be used for in terms of the Almighty’s calling to men?
Certainly the ways in which men and women use their brains are proof to their individual and vastly distinct calling. Man’s brain is accustomed to single-mindedness, monotonous work, contentment in use of strength, aggression, and practical use of his hands.
Women are accustomed to nursing, nurturing, open-mindedness, delicate work, and are ill-fir for physical labor. Muscle development and structure are different from men to women. Certainly such a difference in body structure and mental performance says something about their difference in callings.
When Eve sinned, the human race did not fall into an estate of sin and misery, but Adam’s sin did bring the human race into such an estate. Adam and Eve did not share some equality of callings or persons, that should either sin, the human race would fall.
Moreover, each sin and gender was given a distinct curse. Adam and all males were to labor by the sweat of their brows. Eve and all females were to have much travail in childbirth.
The doctrine of headship is a great help in explaining a woman’s calling. A prime example of man’s headship over woman is also found in the creation account. The act of naming is a symbol or proclamation of over authority over the thing named. Thus Adam’s first act of authority or headship over the woman was to name her. Hence forth no woman was to be outside male headship of some kind.
Headship helps us understand the doctrine of a woman’s calling because once we begin to see that woman are to be under headship at all times; we understand that this correlates with the fact that she must also be serving or helping in the calling of her head.
Thus we see there is a set order into being that, women should lean upon man and serve the Almighty with him in terms of his calling. A married couple both man and woman have different callings, but as a couple and as one flesh they share one distinct calling that is primary vocational, ministerial calling. “For Adam was made first, then Eve”. (1st Tim 2:13)
Are any women found to tending shops, banks, factories, bakeries, etc.? Are any women found outside a headship relationship, working in conjunction with that head’s calling? The answer is clearly no, but I encourage you to look for yourself. Be honest in your searching, and you must read all accounts in immediate and mediate contexts.
You will find as I have found that the Almighty has given women a special and glorious calling of their own. The denial women have toward their true and righteous calling came about only during times of great feministic and atheistic pursuits and dominance.
During the latter half of the 1900’s feminism greatly progressed due to an “elite” group of women. They sought to subvert the biblical calling of women. Not only in deed did these women seek to this, but these women knew and claimed their wanton attack on biblical principles.
Women, young and old, seeking to “Create a life” for themselves do honor, support, and accept all feministic principles outlined by their feministic heroines. There is no middle ground on this issue. If a woman seeks a career, she is in rebellion against the Almighty and His word. Our culture is so dominated by poor examples of womanhood that one cannot wonder at the willingness of young women to follow whatever example they find. While women are not to be inbreeding, barefoot, unkempt, uneducated, inept, they are not to accept the cultural norm of women in the work force.
Today young women are encouraged, expected, and helped greatly to become a member of the feminist’s new model female army. Women must decide whether they shall choose to follow the cultural god of humanistic feminism or to follow the Almighty.
Women need not look to “The man’s world” and fight for their “rights” there. This is not a man’s world, it is the Almighty’s world, and you shall live according to His Law in it. Any woman that seeks to adopt the calling that was given to men specifically and solely is to be charged with the attempt to subvert His order and become a man. Any women seeking to take on man’s roles may be justly called transvestites.
Proverbs 31 is not a guideline for women outside a headship relationship. It should be noted the King Lemuel’s mother is the author of Prov 31. It was her advice regarding his choice of a wife and mother of his children. It is a guidebook for wives, mothers, sisters, and daughters, not for modern working women. It is for the women working for the kingdom under the headship of the Almighty’s men and leaders.
There are exceptions to this rule as to almost everything else. Females have lost femininity due to Feminism. Females as a whole no longer view their femaleness as a gift of the Creator, nor a blessing to be cherished. Women are too busy searching for opportunities to be man. They do not care to accept their holy, wonderful, and beautiful callings as godly women.
Shall the daughters of the Almighty go the way of the world, or shall they seek to glorify Him through cheerfully and willingly accepting their calling?