The Chosen People

Part 1


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      When looking at the plan of Salvation of Yahweh, it is only logical that we begin where the Everlasting Covenant was established, with Abraham. We must also realize that our Elohim (Hebrew for God), is an Elohim of covenants, NOT religion. Elohim made man in His Own image, yet for the last six thousand years, man has re-created Elohim in his image. Religion is a man-made entity that  has  been used to brainwash and control the minds of people almost since time began.

      Our Elohim is not about religion, but about covenant relationships. A covenant is an agreement between two parties, in which each party has an obligation under the agreement to fulfill. The most solemn of all covenants is the blood covenant. Each person who repents of his sins and accepts the shed blood of Yahshua (true Hebrew name for Jesus) enters   into covenant with Yahweh the Father, through the blood of His Son Yahshua. The only way to have eternal life dwelling in you is by entering this blood covenant relationship; yet, how few who have been immersed (baptized) into the Name of Yahshua even know what the agreement is that they are coming under? In a world of religion, most churches want you to just accept “Jesus” into your heart, when in reality the only way to truly have eternal life is to enter blood covenant with the Father through Yahshua’s sacrifice. There is no greater intimacy than a blood covenant. The word sacrifice in English connotes “to give something up,” but the original word in Hebrew for sacrifice “Korban, lehakriv,” is derived from the word “to come near to, to become closely involved in a relationship with someone.”  That is the purpose of the blood covenant. Sin has separated mankind from Yahweh, and sacrifice, and particularly the sacrifice of Yahshua, His Son, is meant to draw us back into relationship with Him.


In Genesis, when Adam and Eve sinned, and chose separation from Yahweh as a penalty for their disobedience, Yahweh became the first high priest. We read in:

Gen 3:21 And Yahweh Elohim made coats of skin for the man and his wife, and clothed them.


So Yahweh performed the first sacrifice of killing an animal in order to “cover” the sin of Adam and Eve, becoming the first High Priest. The word for cover in Hebrew is “kappar.” It is where the day of Yom Kippur or atonement comes from, and it means to cover or atone for. So Yahweh set a precedent in Genesis that sins would bring the shedding of innocent blood. Leviticus 17:11 clearly states:

Lev 17:11 For the  life of the flesh  is  in  the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar, to atone for your souls; for it is the blood which makes atonement for the soul.


Without the shedding of blood there could be no atonement or reconciliation back to Yahweh. The blood covenant agreement is what each one of us, who accepts the blood of Yahshua for forgiveness of our sins, contracts to perform. It is a legal binding contract in the eyes of Yahweh and is the most serious decision that one will make in their life. This is the agreement that started with Abraham around 3800 years ago, and continues with his seed today, as we will see. Let me take you now through the 9 steps of an ancient blood covenant ceremony. This is not some form of ancient tradition but the very ritual, according to Scripture, that every covenant relationship requires.


1) Take off your robe or coat

The first thing that you would do is take off your coat or robe, and give it to your covenant partner. To a Hebrew, a person’s robe represents who he is. By taking off the robe, he is saying symbolically,  “I am giving you all of myself. My total being and my life, I pledge to you,”1 and then you would do the same to him. It is interesting to note that not only did the high priest take off his robe on the day of Atonement when he finished going into the Holy of Holies (Lev 16:23-24), but our high priest Yahshua took off His robe, as He was being offered as  the  true  Passover sacrifice in John 19:23-24.


2)Take off your belt

The next thing you do is take off your belt, and give it to your covenant partner. Now an Israelite does not use his belt to hold up his pants, but to keep his armor. His bow, his arrow and his sword are held in his belt. Symbolically, he is saying that he is giving to you all of his strength  and all of his ability to fight. If anyone attacks you, they must also attack your covenant partner. Your battles are his battles and vise versa. He will fight and defend you even with his very life. We see a great example of this aspect of the blood covenant in:

1st Sam 18:3-4 And Jonathan and David cut a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul. And Jonathan stripped off the robe on him and gave it to David; also his garments, even to his sword and to his bow and to his belt.


Jonathan and David are probably the greatest human example of what a true blood covenant relationship is all about. Scripture tells us that their souls were literally knitted together. There is a bond in a blood covenant that goes beyond human love and trust; it is truly loving the other person as yourself. Probably the best example of this in a human relationship would be how a marriage between a man and a woman should be. In our blood covenant relationship with Yahshua, He has taken of His armor and given it to us through His Spirit.

Eph 6:10-17 For the rest, my brothers, be made powerful in the Master, and in the might of His strength.  Put on all the armor of Yahweh, for you to be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil,because we are not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world’s rulers of darkness of this age, against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavenlies. Because of this, take up all of the armor of Yahweh, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having worked out all things, to stand. Then stand firm, “having girded your loins about with truth” and having put “on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod the feet with the preparation of the “good news of peace.” Above all, taking up the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the darts of the evil one being kindled. Also, take “the helmet of salvation,” and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of Yahweh;


3) Cut The Covenant

Now we would actually cut the covenant by taking an animal and splitting it right down the middle. In Scripture, an animal is only split down the middle in a blood covenant ceremony.


After we split the animal, we would lay each half to the side of us and stand in between the two bloody halves of flesh, with our backs to each other. Then we would walk right through the bloody halves, making a figure eight, and come back to a stop facing each other. In doing so we are saying two things. First we are saying that we are dying to our old self, giving up our own rights to our own life, and beginning a new walk with our covenant partner until death. And second, since the blood covenant is such a solemn pact, we each point down to the dead animal and say “Elohim do to me and more if I ever try to break this covenant. Just split me right down the middle and feed me to the vultures if I ever try to break the most sacred of all pacts.” We see an example in Genesis 15 of the cutting of this ceremony.

Gen 15:9-10 And He said to him, Take for Me a heifer three years old, and a she-goat three  years  old, and a  ram three years old, and  a turtledove, even a nestling. And he took all these for Him, and he divided them in the middle; and he laid each piece against one another, but he did not divide the bird.


When ancient Israel entered Covenant with Yahweh, they also repeated this most important part of the blood covenant ceremony.

Jer 34:18-20 And I will give the men who have transgressed My covenant, who have not stood on the words of the covenant which they have  cut with Me when they cut the calf in two, and passed between its parts, the rulers of Judah and  the rulers of Jerusalem, the eunuchs and the priests, and all the people of the land who passed between the parts of the calf; I will even give them into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of those seeking their life. And their dead  bodies shall  be for food to the birds of the heavens, and to the beasts of the earth.


So we see that there are grave consequences for breaking a blood covenant. This is truly a matter of life and death, and I honestly pray that you will realize after reading this book that there is more to our covenant relationship than just saying a simple prayer and  accepting  Yahshua  into our life; that this is a most sacred  agreement  and  that there are requirements on both parties involved in a blood covenant, as we are seeing.


I would also like to point out a Scripture in Daniel 9:26, about the prophecy of the Messiah.

Dan 9:26a And after sixty two weeks, Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself.


If you look up the Hebrew word for “cut off”, it is karath, and it means to make a covenant by cutting flesh and passing the pieces. So literally, this scripture is saying that the Messiah will make a covenant by the very cutting of His Own flesh. No wonder why, at the yearly Passover memorial, we are commanded to take the unleavened bread, and break and eat it, to commemorate this part of the blood covenant.


4) Raise the right arm and mix the blood

Then we would raise our right arms, cut our palms, and bring them together. As we did this, our blood would intermingle, and we would swear allegiance to each other. We two would become one, just like when a man marries a woman. The word for one in Hebrew is “echad.” It is a word that denotes unity. It is the word used in Gen 2:24, where it states that a man shall leave his  mother  and father and cleave to his wife and the two shall become one (echad). It literally denotes a knitting together of the soul, just like David and Jonathon. It is being  one in  mind, in soul, and in goals. We see that this is the type  of relationship that Yahweh  and Yahshua want to have with us and want us to have with each other.

John 17:18-23 As You have sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world, and I sanctify Myself for  them, that they  also may be sanctified in Truth. And I do not pray concerning these only, but also concerning those who will believe in Me through their word; that  all  may be one, as You are in Me, Father, and I in You, that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. And I have given them the  glory which You have given  Me, that they may be one, as We are One: I in them, and You  in  Me, that they may be perfected in one; and that the world may know that You sent Me and loved them, even as  You loved Me.


Oh, how different the Body of Messiah could be today if we only understood this word “echad.” One of the biggest problems plaguing the congregations today is selfish motives and worldly ambitions. If we truly want to please our covenant partner, we need to strive for this oneness spoken of in John. We need to desperately strive for a spirit of unity in the body, like never before, and rebuke every spirit of vanity and gossip and selfishness, to let the Spirit of Yahweh blossom in our hearts to its fullness.


5) Exchange names

Next we would exchange names, very much the same way as a wife would do with her new husband. Matthew 28:18-19 tells us that  when we are immersed (baptized), we do so in the Name of Yahweh the Father and His Son Yahshua.


6) Make a scar

The next thing we would do is rub our blood together and make a  permanent scar as a witness to the covenant we were making. It would always remind you of your covenant responsibilities to your partner. If anyone tried to harm you, all you have to do is lift your arm and show your scar. By that you would be saying that  there  was more to you than  meets the  eye. If someone came after you, they would also have to fight your blood covenant partner. And they wouldn’t know how big he  was,  so would they take the chance, or back down? The scar is the seal that testifies to the covenant.

Henry Stanley, on his explorations through Africa, cut covenant 50 times with various chieftains. Now you can understand why. Anytime he would come across an unfriendly tribe, he would just hold up his right arm, with those 50 scars, and any would-be attacker would be running in the opposite direction.


It is interesting to note that, when doubting Thomas questioned the resurrection, he needed to see the scar in Yahshua’s hand before he would believe.

John 20:24-25 But Thomas, one of the Twelve, the one called Twin, was not with them when Yahshua came. Then the other disciples said to him, We have seen the Master. But he said to them,  unless I see the  mark (scar) of the nails in His hands, and thrust my finger into the mark of the nails, and thrust my hand into His side, I will not believe, never!


7) Give the terms of the Covenant

Then you would stand before witnesses and give the terms of the covenant. You would say, “All my assets are yours. All my money, all my property, and all my possessions are yours. If you need any of them, you don’t even have to ask. Just come and get it. What’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine. And if I die, all my children are yours by adoption and you are responsible for my family.

“But at the same time, you also get all my liabilities. If I ever get into trouble financially, I don’t come and ask you for money. I come and say, where is our checkbook?

“We are in covenant. Everything I have is yours, and yours is mine, both assets and liabilities.” So you stand there and read off before witnesses both your assets and liabilities.


Let  us just stop here a  moment and ponder on  this part of the blood covenant, because it is most crucial. When we enter a covenant relationship, everything we have belongs to our partner and everything he has belongs to us. Now think about this and be honest, who is getting the better part of the deal with Yahweh and yourself? He is getting your pride, your selfishness, your anger and all the  sins that you ever committed and you are getting eternal life as a King and Priest in His Kingdom, forever. What an exchange! What love He has for us, that He would willingly go into such a lopsided agreement!

Col 2:14 blotting out the written code of debt, that was against us, which was contrary to us, even He has taken it out of the midst,  nailing  it  to  the tree;


Do you know what the word in Greek is for “written code of debt?” It is cheirographon, and it means a legal document of debt. You can compare it to a mortgage agreement, where you are legally bound to perform a certain task or risk losing your property. What is this legal document of debt? So many falsely believe that it is the Father’s eternal law and commandments that Yahshua nailed to the tree of crucifixion. But how can that be, since there are only blessings for obeying the law, and never curses? There are only curses for disobedience, not faithfulness. What this written code of debt was that Yahshua took away was our legal debt that we owe our Creator for the sins that we have committed. I believe that, by understanding the blood  covenant, this scripture is much clearer to understand. We have a  free  book entitled “The Great Falling Away” that explains the subject of law and grace in much detail. You are welcome to write for a copy of it.


What an awesome Creator that we have! He has taken all of our sins and our burdens upon Himself, and in return has offered us eternal life in His Kingdom. But as we have seen, now our life also belongs to Him. We need to love Yahweh with all our heart, our mind, our soul and our strength. This is the first and greatest commandment. Our lives have been bought and paid for, and we do not belong to ourselves any longer, according to the blood covenant agreement that we made at baptism.

1st Cor 6:19-20 Or do you not know that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit in  you,  which  you have from Yahweh, and you are not of yourselves? You were bought with a price; then glorify Yahweh in your body, and in your spirit, which are of Yahweh.


How many believers truly grasp this concept today? A covenant relationship is about so much more than just saying a little prayer and than continuing in our old selfish way of life; once we enter covenant with our Heavenly Father, by the blood of His Son, we must live for Him. Part of living for Him includes caring for His other covenant people. It means helping the widow and the orphan, and people in need.

Mat 25:34-36 Then the King will say to those on His right, Come, the blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I hungered, and you gave Me food to eat; I thirsted, and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger, and you took Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.


It is a serious responsibility to enter into blood covenant. We must start to live every day completely to our covenant Partner. We must stop playing “church” and start  living true lives of holiness and service toward our covenant Partner.


8) Eat a memorial meal

Then, we would have a memorial meal to complete the covenant union. In place of the animal and blood, you would have bread and wine. You would take a loaf of bread and break it in two and feed it to each other and say, “This is  symbolic of my body and  I’m now putting it in you.” Then you would serve each other the wine and say, “This is symbolic of my blood which is now your blood.” Symbolically you are in each other. This is why Yahshua  had  the  last  Passover and changed the symbols to bread and wine instead of a lamb.

Luk 22:14-20 And when the hour came, He reclined, and the twelve apostles with Him. And He said to them, with desire I desired to eat this  Passover with you before My suffering. I say to you that no more, I will not eat of it until when it is fulfilled in the kingdom of Yahweh! And taking a  cup, giving thanks, He said, Take this and divide it among yourselves. For I say to you that I will not drink from the produce of the vine until the kingdom of Yahweh comes! And taking a loaf, giving thanks, He broke, and gave to them, saying, This is My body being given for you. This do to My remembrance. And in like manner the cup, after having supped, saying, This cup is the New Covenant in My blood, which is being poured out for you.


9) Plant a memorial

The last step to the blood covenant ceremony is to leave a memorial. You would do this by planting a tree that would be sprinkled with the blood of the covenant. Yahshua fulfilled this with the tree of crucifixion when He died for the sins of the world.

Now you know the official ceremony that is required to enter a blood covenant, and this was the very blood covenant that Yahweh entered into with Abraham about 3,800 years ago, and also with the Nation of  Israel  at Mount Sinai, when they left Egypt.

The blood covenant is pivotal to understanding the plan of Salvation through the Nation of Israel. To understand what Yahweh is truly doing on earth today,  you  must forget religion and only think in terms of covenants.


Also remember that there  is not one covenant made in the Bible to gentile or heathen nations. Yahweh very clearly reveals Himself as the Elohim of Israel.

Isa 37:21a And Isaiah the son of Amoz sent to Hezekiah, saying, So says Yahweh, Elohim of Israel


It is also interesting to note that Yahweh states that  He has only revealed Himself to the Nation of Israel, and absolutely no other Nation.

Amos 3:1-2 Hear this Word that Yahweh has spoken against you, sons of Israel, against all the family which I brought up from the land of Egypt, saying: You only have I known of all the families of the earth. On account of this, I will punish you for all your iniquities.

2nd Sam 7:24 Yea, You have established Your people Israel to Yourself, to You for a people forever. And You, O Yahweh have become their Elohim.


Only the nation of Israel has  entered blood covenant with Yahweh. Although a great blessing, this has also turned out to be a two-edged sword. As we have  seen, there is great accountability in binding yourself to a blood covenant. It is also impossible to be broken. Only unfaithfulness can break a blood covenant, and then the penalty is death.


That is why, in judgment day, our Heavenly Father can have more mercy on the Gentile nations,  because they have less accountability; they never went into blood covenant with Yahweh.

Rom 11:32 For Yahweh shut up all into disobedience, that He may show mercy to all.


Most have been taught by the false churches of the world that, because of Israel’s unfaithfulness, Yahweh has cast them away, and now has become a Gentile Elohim. But as we will see, this could not be further from the truth. Yahweh actually used the falling away of Israel for the salvation of the world. We will also see that He has never cast Israel away, but is working a wonderful plan with them in these end-times. Only to Abraham and his seed were the promises made.

Gen 12:3 And I will bless those who bless you, and curse the one despising you. And in you all families of the earth shall be blessed.


This Scripture clearly is promising to Abraham that a coming Messiah  would descend from his lineage. Yahweh is promising to Abraham that, even though the nation of Israel joined a covenant that they could not keep, He, (Yahweh) would still be faithful and send His personal Messenger to redeem Israel from those broken covenant promises.

There were also other covenant promises that were made to the House of Israel under the blood covenant.  Let us now take a look at the amazing promises made by Yahweh to the House of Israel.


End Notes:

1) Part of the information provided on the blood covenant ceremony was obtained from Richard Booker’s book “The Miracle of the Scarlet Thread,” Destiny Image Publishers, Dec 1988.

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