The Chosen People
If someone were to ask you, “What is the good news or Gospel message that Yahshua Messiah brought to earth 2,000 years ago” what would be your response? Due to replacement theology, most believe that Yahweh was working with the “Jews” first, until they rejected His Son Yahshua, and now He is working with the Gentiles, or Nations (all Gentile or in Hebrew “goyim” means is nation). This could not be further from the truth. In this book I will prove to you that Yahweh chose Abraham and his seed to set up His everlasting covenant, due to the obedience and faith of Abraham, and that today, 3,800 hundred years later, He is still working with the same seed of Abraham: “The 12 tribes of Israel.”
I will take you historically from the original blood covenant of Abraham, through the Diaspora of Israel and Judah to the commands of Yahshua to His disciples in the New Testament, up to our modern times today. Most people on earth – and, sorry to say, that includes most that call themselves Christians – have no idea about the plan that our Heavenly Father is working out in the world today. This is because the so-called theological leaders of today are not reading their bibles and putting it together with the true historical records of our forefathers. They are basically being spoon-fed the traditional, theological party lines that history does not back up.
One such fallacy is that all Israelites are Jews. One need not read past Genesis 29 and 30 to see the error in this logic.We can see very clearly that the nation of Israel came into being after Abraham had a son named Isaac, and Isaac in turn had a son named Jacob. Jacob’s name was then changed to Israel after he fought with Yahweh’s Messenger and survived.
Gen 32:28 “And He said, your name shall no more be called Jacob, but Israel; because you have persevered with Elohim (Hebrew for God) and with men and have been able.”
Israel means to persist with Elohim. Then Israel (Jacob) had 12 sons by 2 wives and 2 handmaids. The names of the 12 sons are as follows: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulon, Joseph, and Benjamin. As one can plainly see, Judah was only “one” out of the twelve sons, and the tribe bearing his name was never the largest out of the 12; yet, when most think of an Israelite, they automatically think of a Jew. I pray to our Heavenly Father that through this book I can enlighten you to a broader perspective to the whole plan of Salvation, by the blood of Yahshua, to all 12 tribes of Israel. You will also see that the Everlasting covenant started with the seed of Abraham and continues today with the same seed of Abraham.
Gal 3:29 “And if you be Messiah’s then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.”
When an individual of the Nations (Gentile) joins himself to Yahweh in a covenant relationship, he becomes grafted into the one tree of Israel; Yahweh does not become a gentile Elohim. As a matter of fact, the word “gentile” literally means heathen, so how can a true believer in Yahshua, who has a covenant relationship with Yahweh, be called a gentile or heathen? Even Eph 2:11 clearly states:
“Wherefore remember, that you being in time past gentiles in the flesh.”
No true believer in Yahweh or Yahshua today can be called a Gentile or heathen. It is an oxymoron. I believe that when you see the historical migration of the Northern tribes of Israel in Diaspora, you will be much surprised. Far from being lost from history, as most proclaim, they are very much alive today, and still very much in the plan of Yahweh, as they have always been. So let us begin to unravel the scrolls of history and see the wonderful plan of Yahweh through the Everlasting Covenant, starting with Abraham, continuing through our present day, and reaching beyond the imminent return of our Savior and Messiah Yahshua.