Is Obama's ISIS Plan Heading Toward the Next Global Conflict?
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I have been giving updates on the political and military circumstances in the Middle East since the start of the so-called Arab Spring. I have said from day one that the Arab Spring was not a democratic uprising of youth who wanted more freedoms and pleasures from western society, but was an organized plan by the United States of America to bring a New Order to the Middle East and ultimately make Israel’s borders indefensible.
Now, the strange part of all the wars and rumors of wars going on in the Middle East since the fall of 2010 is that Israel has not been a part of any of them except for local conflicts with Hamas, which has no bearing on the Arab Spring but on the age old conflict that has been going on with Israel and the Arabs.
However, I also have said from the start that even though we have not seen Israel involved yet in the Arab Spring, the circumstances involved in creating it was to bring instability to all the countries around Israel and to weaken the area in which Israel is centrally located, in order to make it impossible for them to defend their borders.
When we look now close to four years later it is hard to argue anything else but the very facts that I stated back then. Democracy never took hold and even though Washington, under President Obama, claimed they supported freedom and Democracy in the Middle East their actions have shown the opposite; every move they have made in the last 4 years has weakened Israel. This is a fact.
Firstly, 6 months before the Arab Spring began the Americans went and trained and supplied arms to the rebels to create the problems in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. Then, on day one of the conflict with Egypt the American government clearly stated that Mubarak must go; a strange statement to make on the eve of civil unrest from rebels who were killing in the streets and a strange response to Mubarak who was an ally for more than 30 years and who met with every Prime Minister of Israel, which no other Arab leader in the Middle East ever did.
Even more surprising was the Obama Administration’s strategy to support the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist organization which is part of Hamas. They also were going to send F-16 Fighter Jets to the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as hundreds of Battle Tanks. Then, after the consulate in Libya was destroyed on September 11, 2012, it was found out that America was arming the rebels in Syria through Ambassador Stevens in Libya. Part of those rebels was ISIS.
Then in August 2013 President Obama was about to go and attack Syria supposedly because Bashar Assad was killing his own people only to find out later that it was actually ISIS that was doing most of the killings. America would have been fighting for ISIS last August in getting rid of Assad.
Furthermore, last December ISIS made big gains into Iraq and took over swarms of land, and all the intelligence community in the USA advised President Obama to stop ISIS then, while they were manageable, before they would get too vast lands and weapons and make it much more difficult to stop them. President Obama refused. ISIS continued to make gains in the spring and overtook Fallujah and still all was quiet in the western front. Then, came this June when ISIS stormed into Mosul and took large sums of territory and was beheading anyone in their path.
Again, the intelligence community in the USA urged President Obama to act quickly to stop them before it would be too late and everything accomplished in Iraq over the last 10 years would be reversed. ISIS also grabbed much American weaponry including tanks, anti-aircraft missiles and the like, besides more than a billion dollars and major oil installations.
During this time, Israel was in a war this summer with Hamas, in which John Kerry met in Turkey with Hamas delegates negotiating on their behalf against Israel. This caused a very big stir here in Israel. America also withheld funding for Iron Dome missiles that Israel sorely needed and the relationship is somewhat strained to say the least.
Now, also remember that at the same time America has been positioning for an all out war with Russia sometime in the future. The western news outlets have twisted the facts to make it seem that Putin is another Adolf Hitler looking for land grabs throughout Europe, but the fact of the matter is this trouble started when America announced several years ago that they were putting a missile defense shield in Poland.
When that didn’t pan out the next step to neutralize Russia was to change the democratically elected leader of Ukraine and bring in a pro-western pawn in order to bring Ukraine into NATO and put a missile defense shield on Russia’s border. Of course Russia would never allow this.
If you have been following the news over the past year, starting with the crisis last summer in Syria, you will see where Vladimir Putin had warned Obama that if he attacked Syria Russia would defend it. Obama backed down, and then, these other troubles were highlighted.
So, is President Obama going to use the ISIS situation to overtake Syria, which was his original goal in 2013? The situation with attacking ISIS is most complicated as many of the Arab nations are against each other and a power struggle is taking place for who will lead the Middle East in the days ahead. What is strange though is that President Obama has not included either Syria, who ISIS is fighting against in Syria, or Iran, who ISIS is fighting against in Iraq, as allies in the coming war with ISIS.
How could the Americans go into a sovereign country like Syria and make attacks without the permission and coordination of the reigning government of Syria? President Obama only announced his war strategy against ISIS a few days ago and already the whole coalition is breaking apart. Turkey has now refused to allow the Americans to use their air space or their air-strips for strikes against ISIS; and no other Middle Eastern nation has given confirmation to use troops on the ground. Look at the following article of Russia, Iran and Syria warning America against entering Syria’s sovereign airspace.
It is clear that America would not look to strengthen Assad, but after dealing with ISIS look to remove Assad also. Russia already stated last year they will not allow this as America tries to build their new Middle East with an Islamic Muslim Brotherhood at the head. Before this mission even begins, most are seeing that this is not about ISIS, but about American interests in the Middle East and using ISIS as a means for regime change and increased instability. Every move made by the American government over the last 10 years since the 2nd Gulf war has only brought instability to the region.
However, what we are starting to see will be the emergence of the King of the North and the King of the South and what nations will fall on which side. It will not simply be Shiite against Sunni, as there are many other factors involved and many countries will change their allegiance depending on the fight at the time.
I have been saying that Turkey will be a major player and the Ottoman Empire will be revived, however, Turkey may ally with Iran in one war and fight with them in the next. If you read Daniel the 11th chapter it may seem very confusing until you see the situation on the ground today in the Middle East.
Even now, Saudi Arabia and Egypt allied with Israel of all nations in the Hamas war, because Hamas was supported by Qatar and Turkey who they are fighting against. Israel has taken this as a new opportunity to build Arab allies in the Middle East, however, they will be making a grave mistake, as Arab loyalty does not go much further than the day at hand, and the famous Arab saying states that“the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
Also, watch for a situation such as this American action with ISIS in Syria and Iraq to cause fighting factions to stop fighting each other temporarily to fight America and Israel. Also, and of utmost importance is that I believe Scripture shows that ISIS is the resurrected Assyrian Empire and will be used by Yahweh to bring the big war in the Middle East, spoken of in Revelation, that will weaken the nations to the point that the beast power can rise. I will be speaking on ISIS in the Bible at Sukkot.
Even though we do not know the day or the hour we see many signs that we are in the season and getting dangerously close to a lightening fire war that will not only include America and ISIS, but that will drag in Russia, Europe and China and be the beginning of War World 3.
Update: I wrote the above article in August of 2014 and since the start of the Arab Spring in 2010 the Middle east has only gotten more unstable each year. In the past year ISIS has united with many Al Qaida groups and has more than 100,000 fighters. They are also expanding ever so close to the Israeli border in the north and south and have taken over 2 borders with Jordan. China also has made a military pact with Russia in the past year and is starting a new central bank to replace the dollar as the world reserve currency. And we can’t forget Iran who is close to a nuclear bomb and is the superpower in their region. I can only wonder what I will be adding to this article next year.