Answer to Your Questions - January to June 2017


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Q) Upon reading Genesis 19:24 the author has placed ~on earth~ in parenthesis when it’s not found? Also in Genesis 19:26 the author put Lot’s wife looking back ~with pleasure~ when it’s not found? Is there proof of these changes?

A) In Genesis 18 it states that Yahweh appeared to Abraham(Gen 18:1). Then, as Yahweh is speaking to Abraham He states the following:

Gen 18:17 And YAHWEH said, Shall I hide from Abraham that which I am doing?


So the Yahweh who is speaking to Abraham was here on earth and was about to destroy Sodom as He stated to Abraham. The COYJ believes this was Yahshua Yahweh the Son, as no man has ever seen Yah Yahweh the Father.

So now in Gen 19:24: “And YAHWEH (on earth) rained fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah, from YAHWEH out of the heavens.

Clearly there are two beings being called Yahweh in verse 24, and The Hebraic Roots Bible is concluding from chapter 18 that the first Yahweh spoken of here was the Yahweh who just spoke to Abraham in chapter 18 and told him that He was going to destroy Sodom.

On your second question on Lot’s wife, if you look in Strong’s Concordance, the Hebrew word nebat #5027 lists the definition as “to regard with pleasure”.


Q) Is it true that everybody has a spirit of Yahweh inside them, including people worshiping on Sunday calling god and Jesus lord?

A) There is a spirit in man that gives him life:

Gen 2:7 And YAHWEH Elohim formed the man from the dust of the ground, and blew into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living soul.


By Yahweh breathing life into the man he became a living soul. This spirit in man that makes him alive is not the Holy Spirit that changes the mind of a human into the Mind of Yahweh. That Spirit is only received by repentance and baptism and the laying on of hands of an ordained elder of Yahweh.


Q) How was the earth replenished after the flood~ if incest was an abomination to Yahweh?

A) Noah’s 3 sons had 3 wives who were not related to them. So, their children could have married, as there is no Biblical law against marrying


Q) Where in the Bible was it written that prayer covers all sins?

A) There is no such scripture in the Leviticus 17:11 clearly states there is no forgiveness without the shedding of blood. Only by repenting of one’s sins and being baptized and accepting the shed blood of Yahshua, the eternal Son of Yahweh for the forgiveness of one’s sins, can they receive forgiveness.

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